Our Family Photo

Our Family Photo

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

     Once again we have let life get in the way of blogging.  I have decided that rather than list all of the reasons why I haven't written anything on here I would just ignore that fact all together, works for me!
It has been a crazy few months the worst part being when our crazy goober Chadish decided that he wanted to make a trip to the vet shortly before Christmas.  It was than we found out that his spleen was enlarged and he needed emergency surgery so we left him at the vet clinic after being told that if they open him up and he is full of cancer it might be a good idea to not wake him up.  Needless to say I cried...I cried allot!  Ben was doing a wonderful job being my rock all the while he was falling apart on the inside. 
     The good news is he woke from the surgery with his spleen removed and about a 3lb mass with it.  Than we were told that they had to do a biopsy and send it away to see if it was cancerous or not, that would take a week.  I will be the first to admit I was not the person to be around that week.  Chadish on the other had was enjoying it because we felt so bad for him and his huge scar on his belly that he got more treats in that one week than in his entire life.  He was also showing off his scar proudly, all you had to do was ask to see his belly and he would roll up on his back and show you.  He would say "here it is...you feel real sorry for me right?  You could give me a cookie and feel allot better!"  It did make it allot easier to clean the stitches though. 
     The Great News was when we were phoned on Christmas Eve morning and told that the biopsy showed everything was benign, we cried some more and celebrated with you got it....cookies!  That was the best Christmas present we could have received.
     The rest of the winter was thankfully uneventful albeit long....really freakin long.  We ended up breaking the record of snowfall (like I cared about that one)  and it got to the point that I was wondering if we were going to have to melt it because we had no where else to put it.  It was a happy day when it all melted and we started to see the mountain daisy's.  For those of you that don't know that terminology mountain daisy's are those wonderful dog presents that get snow upon and you cant find till all the snow melts.  Who would have thought that dog droppings could make me so happy!  I say its the little things in life! 
     We also know that its spring by the mangled bird feeder in the backyard.  We make sure that every April we no longer fill up the bird feeders, even when the birds are whacking the windows and the squirrel is very vocally sending death threats to me through the window telling me I better get my act in gear and fill them up!  We have bigger critters come into the yard.  Sometime during one night the bear was unimpressed by the lack of seeds in the feeder that it ripped it down from where it was hanging and must have stomped on the thing.  He/she also made an entrance through and an exit out of our cheesy orange snow fence we have up right now.  Its more or less to make us feel like our dogs are contained in the backyard.  They are  never allowed out without supervision though because Chadish has proved if something on the other side gets his attention he will just go through the fence.  Yep, you got it....a big chadish size hole right through the fence!  Dax on the other hand will just stick her head under and proudly show us just what she can do!  We live with a bunch of "what a dogs"  Tanna is a mommy's baby and is much more concerned as to where I am and not looking for an escape route.  She is the old doggie now and knows just how big and bad the outside world can be for run aways, plus  we have peanut butter cookies here!  But in her heart she knows she's a big bad ganster dog.
As for Dax well she knows she is cute.

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